Click on « Order here » to open the order form. Fill out all fields by following the instructions below.
Example of how SRS works
Important links coming up
My Products
Select the desired amount of printer(s).
Shipping and handling charges
Check to accept shipping and handling charges, otherwise you will need to purchase the printer at the Fraxion office (509 Papineau, Boisbriand) or your cab company.
Driver Status
Select whether you are a self-employed driver or a driver associated with a cab company.
Customer Information
Select if you are a driver/owner or owner of a cab fleet.
Name - Associated Taxi Company
If you are associated with a cab company, please indicate which one.
Name of the driver
Your first and last name.
Your email address.
Phone number (cell phone)
Your cell phone number.
Billing address
Your billing address.
Delivery address same as billing address
Select if the delivery address is the same as the billing address.
Delivery address
Enter your shipping address if it is different from the billing address.
Indicate the location of your SEV printer.
Payment instruction - driver
Make the payment by making an Interac Transfer to:
The secret question must be "Imprimante" and the secret answer must be "sev" (lowercase).
See instructions for Interac transfer.